This year's V.O.G.S officers met during the summer to plan this year's activities. We are sure that we can look forward to a great year! This year's officers are:
- President - Heather Trant - Robert E. Lee High School
- Vice President - Ben Neighbors - Heritage High School
- Secretary - Laura Fimiani - Robinson Secondary School
- Treasurer - Robin Williamson, Park View High School
- Parlimentarian - Adrienne Poe - South Lakes High School
Our first organized activity for the year will be our annual fall meeting at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg on Saturday October 24th. More information about this trip can be found in the Activities section. Please make sure that you observe the deadlines if you want to participate in this trip.
This year VOGS will sponsor an e-mail exchange among VOGS members for students who are interested in having an e-mail partner to write to from another school. We would like for your correspondence to include some German but it does not need to be completely in German. We hope that this will establish some friendships throughout the year and we will recognize students who participate in this exchange at our annual spring convention in April. More information will be avaliable shortly.
Plans are already under way for our annual spring convention. This year's convention will be held at Robinson Secondary School on April 16 and 17, 1999. This year's convention sponsor, Lori Fredette, has come up with an excellent theme, which will lend itself to many varied activities and contests. This year's theme will be Ehrt die Vergangenheit, Feiert die Zukunft (Honor the past, celebrate the future). If you have any suggestions and are willing to help out with the convention by leading a workshop or helping out with some other aspect of the convention, please contact Lori Fredette at the following address.
Robinson Secondary School 5035 Sideburn Road Fairfax, VA 22032
We are looking forward to working with you and your German club throughout the year and we welcome any suggestions that you might have. We hope that your members will get involved with our many fun filled activities and I look forward to seeing you at Busch Gardens on Saturday October 24th.
Sincerely, Ann B. Thorsen
Website Information
This is the new V.O.G.S Website which is being maintained by the Liberty High School German Club and JDyne Technologies.
Contact Information:
To submit information, articles, etc. please contact:
*** - checked daily
*** - checked once a week
To report errors or problems with the site, or suggest improvements:
*** - checked daily
We plan to use the web site to keep you better informed about VOGS activities throughout the year, so please check it out regularly.