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Welcome to Off on a Tangent,
the online repository where I share my creative endeavors with the
world. Inside you will find fiction, news, commentary, poetry,
music, and more that I have produced over the years and am still
producing today. I am always open to feedback, so please don't
hesitate to contact me and let me know what you think!
Saturday, 07 April 2007 |
of you who have followed Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA)
recent ill-advised trip to Syria might be interested in a quick read of
the Logan Act (USC Title 18, Part I, Chapter 45, §953).
The Act, passed in 1799, makes it a felony for any U.S. citizen to
involve himself in foreign relations without the "authority of the
United States"—meaning presidential authorization, since the President
has constitutional authority over foreign affairs. Pelosi clearly
intended to affect our (and other nations') relations with
terror-supporting Syria, and certainly did not have presidential
blessing to do so. She's unlikely to be prosecuted this time, but
probably ought to avoid committing felonies in the future. |
Last Updated ( Saturday, 07 April 2007 )
Thursday, 05 April 2007 |
you happen to live in the DC metro area or—God forbid—in the city
itself, you've probably heard so much about the issue of DC
congressional representation that you can hardly bear to hear any
more. In fact, the default license plate issued to DC citizens
even has "Taxation Without Representation" emblazoned across the bottom
as a poke at their lack of voting representation in Congress. For
those with a 7th grade understanding of constitutional law, I hear you
can still choose to have your license plate made without the
catch-phrase. |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 05 April 2007 )
Short Stories
Monday, 26 March 2007 |
drove up Mill Mountain after work late on a Thursday afternoon to stand
beneath the Star and look at the city. It had been a hot, sticky
day—the kind where a few seconds in the open air left you longing for a
nearby pool to dive into—but the view was worth the lingering
discomfort. Things were a bit cooler this high above the city
anyway. More real. More honest. Mill Mountain was a
good place to get away. It had a beautiful quiet about it in the
late afternoon, especially on weekdays when the tourists were
sparse. I always enjoyed the blessed incongruity of the world's
largest man-made illuminated star—though I could do without the
mind-numbing neon buzz. |
Last Updated ( Monday, 26 March 2007 )
Have a Quote
"The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency."—Eugene McCarthy